Uludağ Apparel and Clothing Exporters' Association

Uludağ Apparel and Clothing Exporters' Association (UHKİB)
Apparel and clothing sector is one of the most important industrial branches that remove the employment burden of our country in terms of labor-intensive structure. Our industry is also a modern industrial sector that does not have a negative effect on the environment and nature. The industry have computer-aided production systems that are producing in all sizes of units, from small and medium sized enterprises to large manufacturing plants. Turkish apparel and clothing industry is thriving in the production of high value-added, branded products; possessing quality, efficiency, original designs, with strong marketing and delivery channels. In addition, the sector is the number one sector with the high export performance and the highest amount of foreign trade surplus in our country. The driving force of the exporting, which started from the beginning of the 1980s, has been our apparel and clothing sector, which has been cooperated with the Turkish textile sector.
Uludağ Apparel and Clothing Exporters Association (UHKİB) was established in Bursa in 1986 under Uludağ Exporters' Associations. As of 1 January 2025, UHKİB has 1.585 active members. In 2024, the total exports of the Association amounted to 863 million USD. The main countries exported by Uludağ Apparel and Clothing Exporters Association in 2024 are; Netherlands, Spain, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Our industry meets the requirements of the European continent, which demands the world's highest standards of materials, production, quality and health. 75 % of our total exports are realized to EU.
UHKİB's mission is to increase the export performance of its members and to contribute to the development of bilateral and multilateral trade relations by assisting its members in international commercial activities and to ensure that exports continue to increase in all markets. UHKİB; fulfilling this task assigned by laws and regulations, carrying out many activities in order to improve our mutual economic relations with our foreign trade and other countries. Some of these activities are listed below;
· PR activities
· Training activities
· Counseling services
· Coordination activities
· Publication activities
· Statistical records
· Economic researches and reports
· Trade and Purchasing Delegations
· Global Fairs
Uludağ Apparel and Clothing Exporters Association continues to work in order to meet the needs of textile and ready-to-wear sector in terms of qualified personnel, to follow global trends in fashion and design, to create original trends, to become a center of attraction for fashion and design.