Uludağ Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association

Uludağ Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association (UYMSİB)
Uludağ Exporters' Association (UİB) has been supporting its members by various instruments and activities within the frame of duties and responsibilities determined by legislation. Some of them are as follows Trade development activities,
- State subsidies for exporters,
- Training programs,
- Seminars and conference organizations,
- Inward Processing Regime
The Uludağ Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters' Association (UYMSİB) was established in Bursa in 1987 as part of the Uludağ Exporters' Association.
UYMSİB keeps exporters informed with the various seminars and panels it organizes over the course of the year. In addition, besides the events that UYMSİB organizes, the association determines the problems encountered in exporting produce, suggesting solutions and playing an active role in bringing to life the various problem-solving applications.
As of 2024, UYMSIB exports increased by 1,6% in value compared to the previous year, reaching 206.5 million dollars. An evaluation of export data by groups of goods shows that the products that come to the forefront are black olives, Bursa black figs, sour cherries, peppers, tomatoes, peaches, pears, green olives, pomegranates, mandarins, quinces, cucumbers, gherkins and lemons. Our most important export markets are Germany, Netherlands, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, Austria, Poland, Romania, France, Switzerland, United States and Sweden. The European Union countries have the most important share in exports. The European Union countries followed by The Other European Countries, The Commonwealth of Independent States, North American Free Trade Zones, Far East Countries, Middle East Countries, African Countries, Oceania Countries and Other Asian Countries
As UYMSİB, works are being carried out informative meetings, evaluation meetings that sector representatives have gathered in order to increase export, efforts to establish business cooperation and coordination with sector stakeholders, organize activities such as sectoral seminars, meetings, panels and trade delegations. Our work will continue to increase export of sector in 2025.